Salta al contenuto principale
  • Sustainable Packaging
    The Future of Sustainable Packaging: Reusable and Recyclable Solutions. In an era where environmental concerns have taken center stage, the packaging industry is undergoing a transformative shift towards sustainable practices.
  • MECCANICA - Settembre 2022

    Fabio Terragni illustra le tecniche dell’espansione in testa piana e la co-estrusione per il riutilizzo di materiali riciclati. «due innovazioni che permettono performance migliori pur impattando meno sull’ambiente».

  • K 2022 - Circular Economy and Sustainability
    Since K2019 a lot of things happened to this world and all such events had put severe pressure to move towards Circular Economy, Sustainability, Recyclability and we did find that the technologies developed by our company in the past (in 2023 our Family will celebrate 70 years in the plastic industry) were perfectly accomplishing the Circular Economy
  • Cartonplast Circular Packaging a huge opportunity towards Sustainable Growth
    Since many years our company has been focusing on developing extrusion and converting technologies to fabricate packaging to be reused several times (even hundred times!!) and recycled back in the process at the end of its life cycle.
  • EASY ENGINEERING International : Interview With AGRIPAK
    The company is having its roots in Marco Terragni who was a pioneer in the European plastic industry as he started his activity back in the year 1953 at that time under the company name of Covema.
  • Agripak - Riduzione, Riutilizzo e Riciclo
    L’OBIETTIVO : "Vogliamo consegnare alle generazioni future un eco-packaging/circular-packaging per un mondo eco-sostenibile". Fabio Terragni descrive la tecnologia delle linee di estrusione CARTONPLAST, ideata da suo padre negli anni settanta e oggi sviluppata per aumentarne l’efficienza e la capacità produttiva. Dal polipropilene derivano lastre alveolari di prima qualità, combinabili in scatole e rigorosamente riutilizzabili e riciclabili.